Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Poll for dentists and dental therapists
Please, select one or more answers from the poll in the sidebar.
Adhesive systems are classified according to the number of clinical application steps and adhesion strategy. This is one of the most widely accepted classifications in both clinical practice and scientific literature.
Feel free to leave a comment about your experience with any particular adhesive system.
In clinical practice, I'm using a two-step etch-and-rinse system. In PhD research, I've studied the degree of conversion and elution of unreacted monomers from a wide range of adhesive systems. Some of these results have been published in scientific dental journals and some are in press and will be published soon.
Though one-step (all-in-one) self-etch systems are currently marketed, results from many in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that these systems often have inferior properties compared to two-step self-etch and etch-and-rinse systems.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Research: Portland cement, a possible substitute for MTA in pulpotomy of primary teeth
V. T. Sakai, A. B. S. Moretti, T. M. Oliveira, A. P. C. Fornetti, C. F. Santos, M. A. A. M. Machado & R. C. C. Abdo
British Dental Journal 207, E5 (2009) Published online: 24 July 2009 doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.665
Objective: This study compared the clinical and radiographic effectiveness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement (PC) as pulp dressing agents in carious primary teeth.
Methodology: Thirty carious primary mandibular molars of children aged 5-9 years old were randomly assigned to MTA or PC groups, and treated by a conventional pulpotomy technique. The teeth were restored with resin modified glass ionomer cement. Clinical and radiographic successes and failures were recorded at 6, 12, 18 and 24-month follow-up.
Results: All pulpotomised teeth were clinically and radiographically successful at all follow-up appointments. Six out of 15 teeth in the PC group and five out of 14 teeth in the MTA group exfoliated throughout the follow-up period. No statistically significant difference regarding dentine bridge formation was found between both groups throughout the follow-up period. As far as pulp canal obliteration is concerned, a statistically significant difference was detected at 6-month follow-up (p <0.05), since the beginning of mineralised material deposition could be radiographically detected in 100% and 57.14% of the teeth treated with PC and MTA, respectively.
Conclusions: Portland cement (PC) may serve as a substitute for MTA in pulpotomy of primary teeth. Besides the similar clinical and radiographic effectiveness of PC and MTA as pulpotomy dressing agents, PC has the advantage of being an inexpensive material. Before unlimited clinical use of PC, further studies with large samples and long follow-up assessments are needed.
Monday, 10 August 2009
ADA press release - Dental amalgam
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2009—The American Dental Association (ADA) agrees with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision not to place any restriction on the use of dental amalgam, a commonly used cavity filling material.
The FDA ruling issued today categorizes encapsulated dental amalgam as a class II medical device, placing it in the same class as gold and tooth-colored composite fillings. The ADA has supported a class II designation for dental amalgam since 2002 when first proposed by the FDA.
"The FDA has left the decision about dental treatment right where it needs to be—between the dentist and the patient," states ADA President Dr. John Findley. "This decision underscores what the ADA has long supported—a discussion between dentists and patients about the full range of treatment options to help patients make educated decisions regarding their dental care."
Dental amalgam is a cavity-filling material made by combining mercury with other metals such as silver, copper and tin. Numerous scientific studies conducted over the past several decades, including two large clinical trials published in the April 2006 Journal of the American Medical Association, indicate dental amalgam is a safe, effective cavity-filling material for children and others. And, in its 2009 review of the scientific literature on amalgam safety, the ADA's Council on Scientific Affairs reaffirmed that the scientific evidence continues to support amalgam as a valuable, viable and safe choice for dental patients."
The two studies mentioned in this ADA press release are free to download
(Click on the image for full text)
(1) Neuropsychological and renal effects in children whose dental caries were restored using amalgam or mercury-free materials
(2) Neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children
Sunday, 9 August 2009
JCR Science edition 2008
- number of citations
- impact factor
- 5 year impact factor
- cited half-life
Up-coming event
20th European Dental Materials Conference 2009
University of Manchester, UK
August 27-28, 2009
Invited speakers:Dr Charles Lloyd [University of Dundee]
(NMR imaging of oral biomaterials)
Professor George Eliades [University of Athens]
(Characterization of dental composites by morphological and chemical techniques)
Dr Nicoleta Ilie [LM University of Munich]
(Dynamic mechanical nano-scale imaging of new resin-composite formulations)
Professor Alex Fok [University of Minnesota]
Image analysis and shrinkage correlation
Professor Arturo Natali [University of Padova]
Computational modelling of implant biomechanics
Dr Matthew German [University of Newcastle]
Raman and FTIR imaging in oral tissues
Dr Julian Satterthwaite [University of Manchester]
The clinical challenges of optimal materials selection and usage
Professor Albert Feilzer [ACTA, University of Amsterdam]
Understanding materials aspects of clinical performance and reliability of direct restoratives
Professor Matthias Kern [University of Kiel]
Understanding materials aspects of clinical performance and reliability of indirect restoratives
Dr Christina Mitchell [University of Belfast] Chair of:
* Clinicians’ panel – challenges for basic scientists and dental material manufacturers
More information on
Featured article
Chiara O. Navarra, Milena Cadenaro, Steven R. Armstrong, Julie Jessop, Francesca Antoniolli, Valter Sergo, Roberto Di Lenarda and Lorenzo Breschi
Dental Materials 2009:25(9):1178-1185
Objectives: To examine the degree of conversion (DC) of the adhesive interfaces created by Filtek Silorane Adhesive and Clearfil SE Bond using micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Methods: The adhesives were applied on human dentin in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Specimens were cut to expose the bonded interfaces to the micro-Raman beam (Ranishaw InVia; laser wl 785 nm). Raman spectra were collected along the dentin/self-etching primer/adhesive interface at 1 μm intervals. The relative intensities of bands associated with mineral (P–O functional group at 960 cm−1) and adhesive (C–C–O group at 605 cm−1) components within the bonded interface were used to detect monomer penetration into the dentin matrix and to calculate the degree of conversion (Cdouble bond; length as m-dashC at 1640 cm−1 as reaction peak, C–C–O at 605 cm−1 as reference peak). Data were statistically analyzed with two-way ANOVA.
Results: DC of Filtek Silorane Adhesive was 69 ± 7% in the adhesive layer, increasing (p<.05) to 93 ± 5% in the primer and 92 ± 9% in the hybrid layer. Clearfil SE Bond showed a DC of 83 ± 3% in the hybrid and 85 ± 3% in the adhesive layer. Thus, Filtek Silorane Adhesive showed a higher DC than Clearfil SE Bond in the hybrid layer (p<.05), but a lower DC in the adhesive (p<.05).
Significance: As high DC is a fundamental pre-requisite for the stability of the bond over time, this study supports the hypothesis that optimal stability of Filtek Silorane Adhesive can be obtained. However, further research is needed to investigate the mechanical properties of the hybrid layer created by Filtek Silorane Adhesive and its long-term stability.
IADR press release - Is Obesity an Oral Bacterial Disease?
suggests that oral bacteria may contribute to the development of obesity.
The Journal of Dental Research is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge in all sciences relevant to dentistry and the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease. At 3.966, the JDR holds the highest Five-Year Impact Factor of all dental journals publishing original research, with a cited half-life >10 years, reflecting the influential nature of the Journal’s content. It also has the highest Eigenfactor Score in the field.
The world-wide explosion of overweight people has been called an epidemic. The inflammatory nature of obesity is widely recognized. Could it really be an epidemic involving an infectious agent? In this climate of concern over the increasing prevalence of overweight conditions in our society, investigators have focused on the possible role of oral bacteria as a potential direct contributor to obesity.
To investigate this possibility, the study’s researchers J.M. Goodson, D. Groppo, S. Halem and E. Carpino measured salivary bacterial populations of overweight women. Saliva was collected from 313 women with a body mass index between 27 and 32, and bacterial populations were measured by DNA probe analysis. Levels in this group were compared with data from a population of 232 healthy individuals from periodontal disease studies. The median percentage difference of seven of the 40 bacterial species measured was greater than 2 percent in the saliva of overweight women. Classification tree analysis of salivary microbiological composition revealed that 98.4 percent of the overweight women could be identified by the presence of a single bacterial species (Selenomonas noxia) at levels greater than 1.05 percent of the total salivary bacteria. Analysis of these data suggests that the composition of salivary bacteria changes in overweight women.
It seems likely that these bacterial species could serve as biological indicators of a developing overweight condition. Of even greater interest, and the subject of future research, is the possibility that oral bacteria may participate in the pathology that leads to obesity."
Source: IADR