Pulp capping
1. Bogen G, Kim JS, Bakland LK. Direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate: an observational study. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008 Mar;139(3):305-15; quiz 305-15.
2. Ford TR, Torabinejad M, Abedi HR, Bakland LK, Kariyawasam SP. Using mineral trioxide aggregate as a pulp-capping material. J Am Dent Assoc. 1996 Oct;127(10):1491-4.
3. Ghaziani P, Aghasizadeh N, Sheikh-Nezami M. Endodontic treatment with MTA apical plugs: a case report. J Oral Sci. 2007 Dec;49(4):325-9.
4. Winik R, Araki AT, Negrão JA, Bello-Silva MS, Lage-Marques JL. Sealer penetration and marginal permeability after apicoectomy varying retrocavity preparation and retrofilling material. Braz Dent J. 2006;17(4):323-7.
5. Witherspoon DE, Small JC, Harris GZ. Mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomies: a case series outcomes assessment. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006 May;137(5):610-8.
6. Silberman A, Cohenca N, Simon JH. Anatomical redesign for the treatment of dens invaginatus type III with open apexes: a literature review and case presentation. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006 Feb;137(2):180-5. Review.
7. Schwartz RS, Mauger M, Clement DJ, Walker WA 3rd. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a new material for endodontics. J Am Dent Assoc. 1999 Jul;130(7):967-75. Review.
Chemical analysis
8. Oliveira MG, Xavier CB, Demarco FF, Pinheiro AL, Costa AT, Pozza DH. Comparative chemical study of MTA and Portland cements. Braz Dent J. 2007;18(1):3-7.
(The link to each article is in the top right corner as shown in this image. Click to enlarge.)

The following articles are available from PubMed Central.
9. Taia Maria Berto Rezende, Leda Quercia Vieira, Antônio Paulino Ribeiro Sobrinho, Ricardo Reis Oliveira, Martin A. Taubman, and Toshihisa Kawai. The influence of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) on adaptive immune responses to endodontic pathogens in mice. J Endod. 2008 September; 34(9): 1066–1071.
Tissue engineering (Genetics)
10. Paul C Edwards and James M Mason. Gene-enhanced tissue engineering for dental hard tissue regeneration: (2) dentin-pulp and periodontal regeneration. Head Face Med. 2006; 2: 16.
11. Rebecca S. Prescott, Rajaa Alsanea, Mohamed I. Fayad, Bradford R. Johnson, Christopher S. Wenckus, Jianjun Hao, Asha S. John, and Anne George. In-vivo Generation of Dental Pulp-Like Tissue Using Human Pulpal Stem Cells, a Collagen Scaffold and Dentin Matrix Protein 1 Following Subcutaneous Transplantation in Mice. J Endod. 2008 April; 34(4): 421–426.
(The link is shown in the image below. Click to enlarge.)

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